Monday 15 August 2016

Cyberbully in relationship

As you that cyberbully is being cruel to others by sending or posting harmful material using technology. Means that an individual or group that uses information and communication involving electronic technologies to facilities deliberated and repeated harassment or threat to an individual or group. Nowadays cyberbully one of the hot issues among teenagers, because they are who over exposed about technology and communication since they was born.
            Average age for victim cyberbully unpredictable, it might be child, teenagers even older also may be the victim. There is no specific facts for determined whether boys or girls that mostly being aimed. Because we as normal thinker don’t know what and why they did cyberbully on us. Sometimes they said that to get revenge on their enemies, on side said that they were in traumatic situation so they would not let someone that he or she hates having happy life. Disturbing and mental abuse are the ways cyberbully went off.
            Overall based on my research, cyberbullying may affect someone in mental and physical. They might be fear for facing reality after anonymous from internet said something bad action if they going out or reported to police. One of the worst will happen is commit suicide, cause they even can stand anymore with all of those things. Person who is being the victim sure will be alone, no friends, weak relationship between parent, silence and sad emotional because of cyberbully. Behaviour totally changes, your teen seem fidget and nervous all time and physical changed loss weight, they also feeling hopeless and helpless.
            Sometimes, we don’t know the initial sign of a cyberbully in relationship because it’s not obvious. May be you think that it was your friend but not see any actual signs of friends, it make you confused in time. So, if you are in a relationship, basically you need to find out the real of your partner in and out. Characteristic of your partners, most important thing your need to figure out and test him/her how they overcome their anger or problem. They settle with calm or they get revenge in silence such as cyberbully. Different person different ways their will calm down, sometimes it will 1 over 10 person live in revenge but you would not see the character from outside. Yet you can see the way they speak, eye on people and may be body language.
            Failed in relationship is one reason your ex/partner take this action for hurting you. They might start insulted you with your bad past days, spreading and making bad story about you then posting any social network packages with your several photos. You don’t know he or she doing this because they may be good looking and treat you well s friend. Yet they are betrayed and start make you feeling scared by cyberbully. Jealous partner always be the one who is interested to do this to his or her partner because from this way they can satisfied they own. Tries to control and limit your movement in daily life, make you worry about your safety instead of your family.

            In relationship you only see that your partner very kind person, not bossy person and always be the perfect one in front of you. Instead that, may be or not all partner have bad intention to their partner, such as having sex or forceful for something. So in social network they pretend to be someone, who will pressure you for sex. If you denied or ignored it, they will threat you and making bad story about you and post it for public view. Totally shame is they really doing that. So, you in dilemma for choosing the solution, you mind having critical process until you decide the wrong way to escape the order which is commit suicide.
            Cyberbully only the choice for pyshco person to do what they think they right without mind it before. Mostly they could do this in family. Maybe because of jealous or lack of love among siblings. It could be serious if he or she start insult or tell their family problems to public. When all people know their family background which is involve their bad past, probabilities to loss job are there. Family getting put blame between each other, no manner, no slow talk and divorce. Only because of cyberbully can ruined everything that built years.

            Lastly, we should be aware to those we close and friend. Because there is no reason to do cyberbully even you have a good relationship between each other. Cyberbully random pick and sometimes they to get revenge on somebody. There so many effect to our self if facing cyberbully. So think twice and don’t be afraid to reported cyberbully, that was the good solution for it.

Cyber bully  among friends
Cyber bully among friends is not a joke anymore, its can causes a friends suicide. Suicide because the person shy and being persecuted by friends. The factors of being suicide because of persecuted by friends is by media social and a technology which is smartphone and computer. There’s have no ethic by using the technology to persecuted friends.
There have some issue that by cyber bullying a friends will suicide. Laura Barns was born on January 20, 1996 in Fresno, California . She popular amongst her classmate and was a victim of cyberbullying which she being to committing a suicide. She committed suicide on april 12,2013 after am embarrassing video of her being drunk and eventually passing out, defecting herself beforehand. An anonymous person posted that’s video on youtube soon after.
Her suicide became viral with stories across the news and several websites documenting the story, most prominently  LiveLeak, which had a video of her suicide. The video is about laura barns get drunk and she defecate on her pants . that’s was embarrassing her and he shy among their friends in school and she decide to suicide. The video being taken by her own friends and her bestfriends. This is totally abuse by using a gadget.

With this issue , my point of view , harassing a friend is not the way to become a friend and its not a joke until then a friend can committing a suicide. By using an technology, we must use it properly and doing somethings nice and usefull for self an others . not cyberbullying or embarrassing a friend. 

Sunday 14 August 2016

Cyber crime for money
now days , making money is so easy , but by using media social in abuse ways is not have an ethic. Using computer ( media social ) for crime to get money its not appropriate way because you deal with law of justice in cyber crime act.
There have an issues that’s cyber crime for money, its happen to my own friends , on night my friends having a video chat with someone who he didn’t know and the person gender is female, suddenly the woman making a video sex and my friends shutting down the video chat, but the woman got his face while they having a normal video chat. Tomorrow night , my friends got blackmail from the woman. The woman edit an video of my friends are doing masturbating in video chat but he didn’t because on that’s video chat he have shutting down the live stream. The woman blackmail my friends and wanted a rm5000 from my friends or not the woman will spreading the video in youtube and facebook . my friends contact me asking for help and I help by secure his facebook and report the woman account. Thank god is done, also I asked him to make a police report for further security. From this issues I got and facing with deal of my friend, nowsday, people are so hard to get money even its was a crime and also with technology nowdays the crime happen in a blink of the eyes. Its just happen in 14 august and just one night the crime happen. How fast isn’t ?

From the issues given , the way to prevent  the such things is , don’t live stream with people we didn’t know and secure your media social account very well and also learn to use tools in media social that’s given. Thank you

Sunday 7 August 2016

Budaya Viral Yang Tidak Baik
Seiring dengan kepesatan teknologi, gaya hidup yang maju, perilaku masyarakat yang berubah dan kecanggihan peranti dan gajet, muncul satu fenomena iaitu VIRAL. Viral ialah satu budaya yang begitu mudah tersebar dimana hanya dengan menekan satu butang sudah boleh tergolong sebagai penyebar maklumat yang diragui kesahihannya. Viral seperti mana kita tahu ialah menyebarkan maklumat yang penting tetapi ianya boleh mengundang kepada masalah apabila maklumat yang disebarkan adalah palsu ataupun maklumat yang salah kerana telah ditokok tambah menjadi sesuatu yang tidak sahih.

Kenapa berlakunya viral ialah kerana penyebaran maklumat yang berlaku secara berleluasa di aplikasi social media seperti internet, facebook, twitter, Instagram dan lain-lain. Ada budaya viral yang berlaku di social media terjadi secara tidak sengaja dan ada yang disengajakan. Viral dari sudut negative dilihat apabila ada sesetengah pihak yang ingin menyebarkan fitnah, membuka aib orang dan untuk menjatuhkan seseorang dengan menyebarkan maklumat yang tidak betul demi kepentingan diri sendiri.
Perkara ini memberi impak yang sangat besar kepada semua kerana mungkin maklumat yang disebarkan akan menyebabkan banyak pandangan negatif dan kegusaran di hati serta kebimbangan kepada orang yang membaca berita itu. Antara yang paling membimbangkan ialah apabila maklumat yang tersebar tidak sahih dan akan menyumbang kepada gejala-gejala yang tidak sihat terutamanya fitnah. Sepertimana yang kita tahu, bagi umat islam, islam melarang kita sama sekali untuk tidak menyebarkan fitnah kerana fitnah boleh membawa kepada kerosakan seluruh nilai hidup seseorang itu.

Akhir kata, sebelum kita berkongsi sesuatu maklumat, tidak salah untuk menyemak dahulu kebenarannya, mana tahu kot kot fitnah. Dah jadi isu pulak dah. Jadi, fikir-fikirkanlah dulu sebelum nak kongsi sesuatu maklumat itu. Kena jugak fikri impak dia kat orang lain. Mana tahu nanti ada orang lain yang terasa ke? Kalau viral ni nanti banyak beri impak negatif contoh fitnah, lebih baik kita elak untuk kongsi maklumat/berita tersebut.
Cyberbully, stress and teenager
Cyberbully is (bullying that takes place using electronic technology. Electronic technology includes devices and equipment such as cell phones, computers, and tablets as well as communication tools including social media sites, text messages, chat, and websites. Examples of cyberbullying include mean text messages or emails, rumors sent by email or posted on social networking sites, and embarrassing pictures, videos, websites, or fake profiles which is always related with teenagers and outsider that have bad intention on them. Those bad intention basically on sexual harassment, kidnaped, financial, and the main issues was psychology attack for teenagers. Cyberbully gave very big impact for them especially for those who are lonely, having friend problem and family problems. They will deeply in scared zone with nobody knew about it. So in this case teenagers having inner stress and maybe can affect their physical and also mental affected.
Stress and teenagers are close. They need to plan and find out how to overcome stress in their daily life. Or else stress will haunted you all days and nights. Stress is your body's way of responding to any kind of demand or threat. When you feel threatened, your nervous system responds by releasing a flood of stress hormones, including adrenaline and cortisol, which rouse the body for emergency action
Let’s find out how to deal with stress easily. In fact, there is no point in stressing dealing with “stress” that teenagers child undergoes. Firstly sleep, teenagers return from schoolwork, social life most probably easily get cyberbully. So step that they need to do is have little time to get proper sleep. Because relaxation is necessary to de-stress. It is also help our mind relaxes and rejuvenates. Basically, sleep a full nights can help teenager deal with stress. A nap even one of the task can reduce stress.
Next, physical activity was one of the best stress relievers in teenagers.  When having stress, you may take a walk or just hit the gym. From that you will feel better afterwards. Alert and encourage yourself to do some exercise and those exercise produce the healthy mind to beat the stress. Healthy diet also necessary to alleviate body accumulation. A healthy diet include take a good fruit, vegetables, dairy and protein. Normally, when teen stress they tend to eat junk food. So need to replace it.
Support from parent always the main things. Teenagers can be difficult to handle as it is. They can became worse when they are stressed out. Get angry with them and punishing them for their behaviour when they are stressed is not going to help. Actually, they need to be there for them. Having a slow talk situation, no forcing and make them comfort with you as parent. Simple tips to deal with stress, do what makes you happy. What makes you happy could stress you out. Let yourself do what you likes to relievers stress, it could be listening music, playing games or cooking.

So those tips may help teenagers beat with stress well. Malaysia need teenagers free stress to be the best product for them in future.